Acadiana Region Waste Water Improvements Project




General Contractor

Sealevel Construction

Date of Completion

April 1, 2021


Project Overview

Sealevel was the successful bidder for a civil and foundations project for an industrial facility. The Sealevel team accepted the challenges and many schedule changes of the job and completed the project on time, under budget and with zero safety incidents. As the general contractor, Sealevel performed the following scope of work:

  • Mass excavation of about 5,100 tons of waste soil
  • Formed and poured a 101’ diameter ring wall foundation for a containment tank
  • Installation of pipe rack and pipe support foundations
  • Excavation and setting of 4 large wet wells up to 14’ x 14’ x 13’
  • Installation of 7 manholes up to 96” diameter x 12’ deep
  • Installation of approximately 650’ of 12” and 36” underground force mains and drainage pipe
  • Installation of approximately 3,000′ of 12″ mining hose